

(805) 328-0970

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For the Need Foundation

2003 Royal Ave.

Simi Valley, CA 93065 USA


Frequently Asked Questions

How do we decide if someone is a good fit to be a mentor?

Mentors are an essential part of the FTN Organization. The benefits our program youth receive depends greatly on the quality of mentors we are able to attract. FTN has an extensive screening process designed to select mentors with appropriate life skills, moral character, emotional tolerance and availability. We look for individuals with a sincere desire to to be involved with a young person. Our process allows us to determine if candidate has the skillset and background to serve effectively as an FTN mentor.

How is our mentorship program different from other mentor programs?

FTN's mentorship focus is on helping good kids battling a particularly difficult situation in their lives. Many of those involved in our program are homeless or living in transitional housing. Others are facing chronic illness or live with a family member that is ill. FTN's Mentorship Program offers guidance and support for children during periods of hardship - providing leadership, education and emotional support when they need it most.

How do you screen your mentors?

The FTN mentor process consists of multiple steps, including interviews and background checks to help us determine where our mentors fit best. Anyone working directly with a minor is required to undergo a background check with the DOJ and Live Scan. Your background check is then followed by a structured training program to acclimate you to our program and inform you as to our policies and procedures.

Does FTN have a mentor training program?

FTN offers a structured Training Program that provides the support and guidance our mentors need to establish healthy relationships with our Program Mentees. FTN training is also designed to help our mentors develop the skills they will need to effectively deal with challenges they may face as they provide help and services within the FTN program.

If I cannot become a mentor, can I just volunteer?

From wildlife experts and professional athletes to engineers and movie producers, FTN works year-round creating experiences that will ignite the imaginations of the children we serve. Our organization could not function without the generous efforts of our volunteer community leaders, law enforcement, local families, and others. If you have the desire and ability to help us impact the lives of these kids, please apply through the volunteer tab and select your preferences. We will find an opportunity that is right for you. FTN is always looking for great volunteers! We have positions available at all levels.

Do you accept clothing or other items as a donation?

It depends! Get in touch with us to find out our current needs as they do change.

Is FTN a religious organization?

FTN was organized by our founders upon a core set of Christian principles and inspired by their commitment to their Christian faith, but our mission is nonsectarian. Additionally, we do not have any requirements of faith for our participants or volunteers.

Does a volunteer need to commit to every event?

No. The level of commitment is different based on the volunteer position.

What are the age demographics FTN serves?

Our Mentees typically range from 5 years of age to 17. However, our annual Christmas party at the LA General Medical Center is for children of all ages.

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