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For the Need Foundation

2003 Royal Ave.

Simi Valley, CA 93065 USA

About Us

Learn How FTN Creates Opportunities For A Better Life


To provide a foundation for underprivileged youth to overcome life's difficult challenges, discover opportunity, and realize their own unique potential.


How We Began

Through a partnership with LA General Medical Center, formerly LAC + USC Medical Center, our Foundation began by hosting an annual holiday event for chronically ill and hospitalized children back in 1999. Throughout the years, we have faithfully maintained this tradition. Every Christmas Season, we create moments of joy and happiness for children facing the most difficult times of their lives.

Where We Are Now

FTN still hosts the annual Christmas Party for the LA General Medical Center. However, our main programming is now year-round. The Bow & Arrow Mentorship Program is an events-based program for children and their families who are experiencing homelessness and poverty. Each event is centered around one of our main pillars including Goal Setting, Relationship & Team Building, Mental & Emotional Health, Physical & Body Wellness, Financial Education/Job Preparedness, and Giving Back/Gratitude. We believe that with these priceless life skills and our community of trusted mentors, the children in our program can grow up confident, hopeful, secure, and prepared to conquer the challenges they face and to reach their unique potential.

Core Values


Our core values build upon belief in a Higher Calling - sharing the trust and dedication we have to our faith with our actions and our words.


We believe in kindness toward others, honesty, respect, integrity, and a sense of accomplishment. We work hard and try our best. We lead by example.


Above all else, love. It is our faith expressed through love that motivates all of what FTN does. FTN has assembled an incredible team of volunteers with so much love in their hearts that they dedicate their time and energy to transforming the lives of young people and their families.


Our goal within the communities we serve is to create an environment where people feel safe and excited to participate. Our events are designed to encourage support for one another and to build a culture of teamwork and cooperation. FTN volunteers and corporate partners are committed to serving our communities and dedicated to leaving the people and neighborhoods we serve better equipped to take-on the challenges they face.


Teamwork and cooperation are critical components of our work. We partner regularly with community leaders, law enforcement, businesses, and religious organizations to build networks of cooperation and support. The children and families we serve benefit from a team of individuals, collectively seeking answers while building strong, positive relationships.

Where We Are Going

Through no fault of their own, children are facing circumstances they should never have to face such as domestic violence and homelessness. Because of this, those children are less likely to graduate high school, more likely to have mental health challenges, and susceptible to repeating the cycle. At For the Need, their success is our success. We strive to provide a foundation based on our core pillars to not only inspire children and give them much needed hope, but also to be with them as they overcome their difficult challenges as mentors and as friends. For the Need is on track to transform twice as many young lives next year and therefore, twice as many families who are in need. We aim to introduce the children to opportunities they may have otherwise never known, leading them to become self-sufficient, confident, and hopeful.


A world where our communities' youth discover purpose and develop their personal ability to bless the society in which they live.


To improve lives and solve problems by helping young people overcome adversity and discover their hidden potential.

Pictured above is a child "Arrow" in our Bow & Arrow program holding a model airplane with a young volunteer, "Crossbow."

Our events feature activities such as this to create opportunity for connection and growth.

Buried beneath the stress of poverty, smart and talented children are often overlooked.

For many of these children, poverty functions as a barrier to their success. They may have difficulty acquiring critical life skills, developing positive habits and building important social relationships. Unfortunately, the children stuck in these situations may never realize the opportunities available to them until it's too late.

Since 2000, For The Need Foundation has delivered hope and resources to hospitalized youth experiencing poverty, critical illness, and abuse by hosting a Holiday party each December at the LA County Hospital.

Since 2021, the Bow & Arrow Program has been changing the lives of youth and their families experiencing homelessness and poverty. By providing a solid community around the same families throughout the years and by hosting unique and fun events, we are able to provide long-term impact on a family and alter the trajectory of a child as they are still in their most critical years of development.

We invite you to join us!

See the work we do!



Discovering their unique potential

Throughout the year FTN visits shelters and transitional housing units, regularly hosting activities and experiences designed to introduce new children to our program filled with skills, educational opportunities, and life-changing adventures.

Donations & Support

We believe each one of our mentees "Arrows," if given a chance, will make you proud. These are the kids you want to stand and cheer for!

Your support of For The Need is an investment in the lives of children who are determined to overcome the adversity they face. These are the fighters, the hard workers and the motivated.

With your help, the children you see in our program today will be the inspiration and the leaders you see in our communities tomorrow. We invite you to join us!

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